Sadly Shutting down my tank selling the livestock first, with Hardware to follow. If my prices seem out of line just say and we can work something out!
I also have no idea how I am going to catch these fish so I am hoping I can sell them in bulk haha.
All the fish have been in the tank for a minimum of 4 months and are disease free and eat like pigs.
I have a AA+ quality clam from tonga? Its a place you can't import from anymore anyways its a bright blue maxima $90
I also have a normal purple-pink Maxima $35
Halloween collector urchin $5
Black spiny urchin $5
Ocellaris Clownfish $20 for the pair
Sailfin Tang $50
Mimic Tang $50
Blue Hippo Tang $35
Mandarin Dragonette $10
Spotted Mandarin Dragonette $10
Royal Gramma $10
Fire Fish $10
Blue Chromis $10 for both
Purple Fire Fish $15
X2 Banggai Cardinal $15 each, they hate each
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp X2 $35 for the pair they are best friends
narcissus snail X10 not sure on price I may just bundle all my CUC??
Turbo Snail X2
Turban Snail X4
Blue Legged hermit X6
Left handed Hermit X3
Copper banded butterfly fish, comes with 8oz of his favorite food $50
Six spot sand sifting goby $15
Dragon sand sifting goby $15