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Old 07-05-2013, 04:27 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough
Default local calgary pickup or shipping avilable

bump still have available:

Pipe organ
Neon green Gsp
Blue clove polyps
Orange rhodactus shroom


Green plate coral
1hd red blasto green mouth
1hd neon green candy cane
Alien eye chalice
3-4hd purple and green blasto


Orange digi
Red monti cap
Poker star monti
Neon green birds nest
Montipora confusa



Delightful palys 2p-$30 1p-$20
Bam bam orange 5p-$40
Eye of rah 20p-$40
RPE 2p-$10
Armor of god 1p-$15
Green Bay packers 10p-$20
Dreamy people eaters 2p-$20
Mohawks 2p-$15

Zoa pack up for grabs $175(will toss in some extras if picked up this weekend)


purple hornets 2p
Delightful paly 1p
Armor of god 1p
Whammin watermelon 10p
RPE- 2p
Deep water molten reds 6p
Sunny d 2p
Lunar eclipse 1p/ eye of rah 2p combo
Mohawks 4p
Rastas 1p

Zoa list available:

Blue abyss
Eagle eye
Whammin watermelon
Lunar eclipse
Radio active dragon eyes
Eye of rah
Sunny d
Red ring purple hearted zoa's
Candy apple pinks
Monster lips
Dreamy people eaters
Molten reds
Fire and ice
Armor of god
Delightful palys
Green Bay packers
Vice zoa's
Dragon eyes
Green lanterns
Bam bams
Vivid rainbows
Blue shuriken
Purple hornets
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