Thread: Water top off
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Old 07-05-2013, 03:45 AM
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You wouldn't need to use Prime if you ran a powerhead in the tapwater container overnight with some surface agitation. This will off-gas (correct term?) the chlorine

Prime removes chlorine and chloramines, but converts ammonia (NH3) into ammonium (NH4), so it can mess with some ammonia test kits. You'd get a false positive and wouldn't know what's going on

I'll go with the others though
I use RO, even with our low TDS tapwater
You never know exactly what the TDS is made up of, unless you contact your water company for test results

My water hovers around 6-8 TDS, sometimes up to 12
This is very low, but my water report shows theres;
Aluminum, cadmium, copper, arsenic, etc etc
And I drink this stuff
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