Thanks for the reply, I'll have to watch out for the Talbots, currently it is on the bottom of pecking order and it hasn't gone into beast mode, but fish can do weird things when they get together. I'll see how it reacts to the Chromis when I introduce them.
In the past 3 months I have reintroduced a Yellow Tail blue Damsel and a Talbots Damsel (I think I may add a few more Talbots as they are a nicely coloured active fish with very little aggression)
Be careful with the Talbots. I found mine to be very aggressive with anything added after they were. killed a watchman and chased a couple of wrasses to the point of jumping. I have a cover so they didn't make it to the carpet, but would have. They are my biggest regret, actually wanted to spear them to get rid of them.
Of coourse all fish are different and your milage may very, but just a heads up..
Nice tank BTW