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Old 07-03-2013, 04:59 AM
AquaAddict AquaAddict is offline
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Location: North Vancouver, BC
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Default Protein Skimmer vs canister filter

What a bummer! I feel for you.

Are you using a canister filter? A hang-on- back protein skimmer would help as canisters can be nitrates producers in a salt water system.

Did you introduce something new into the tank just as the problems started?

Don't do too many big water changes too close togethers. Twice month, I think, is max.

I have found Instant Ocean Nitrater reducera big help. Brightwell Reef Fuel (which is really a safer commercial verson of Vodka Dosing) is also very effective but you MUST

A ball of Chaeto Macro Algae stuffed into a corner where it will stay put is also extremely effective. This is all I use in my sump.

Everything mentioned in the previous thread is very important advice to follow.

Good Luck - hang in there. Once you get through this, you will be a hardened seasoned Reef Warrior.

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