Thread: ReefCentral
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Old 07-04-2004, 05:34 PM
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MalHavoc MalHavoc is offline
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Originally Posted by nickb
Originally Posted by MalHavoc
As for the hop timing out after the Level3 network - that's normal. We block ICMP packets going into the RC servers so traceroutes appear to time out after that point.
I just tried a tracert to Reefcentral (my connection is working fine). I got valid hop info right up to and including the RC site itself (i.e no Time outs). I know that places do block ICMP packets but maybe RC isn't doing it uniformly?
It depends on what you're tracerouting. Ther is a load balancer in front of the webserver cluster. If you try going to a specific machine within the cluster, you'll get an ICMP timeout.
Jason Nugent
ReefCentral Sytems Administrator
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