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Old 06-28-2013, 02:18 AM
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Rondelet Rondelet is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Victoria, BC
Posts: 30
Rondelet is on a distinguished road

Are you sure it’s ich (Crytocaryon) and not velvet (Amyloodinium)? UV and garlic will help, but it’s very hit or miss if it’s ich, and pretty much miss if it’s velvet. I’ve had limited success doing this in the past, but the bug eventually comes back to haunt you at some point when there’s a hiccup in the system. Given that your options are limited it’s worth trying and seeing how it goes – it certainly wouldn’t hurt. One alternative is to make up some feed incorporating Chloroquine phosphate. This is discussed in The Marine Fish Health and Nutrition Handbook by Bob Goemans and Lance Ichinotsubo. I haven’t tried this, but they suggest it as a potential treatment option for reef systems.
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