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Old 06-27-2013, 08:32 PM
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Default Aiptasia control methods - Poll

There are a myriad of products out there that can/claim to control aiptasia. This poll is to find out what methods people have employed to successfully and permanently eradicate aiptasia from a system, and which methods they've tried but failed. The criteria: The top part of the list is all the methods that have worked for you, the bottom is for all the things that you've tried but experienced failure. Only check 'success' if the listed method has actually led to the complete removal of aiptasia from a system. No more. Gone. Temporarily reducing their numbers for a time but needing ongoing re-application by the aquarist doesn't count, so please also make sure you've given each of the listed methods enough time to know if they've worked or not. If you've managed to eliminate aiptasia from a display using one of the fish listed but they're still present in a sump/overflows, I would also count that as a 'success', as the aquarist no longer needs to intervene with their time, muscles, or money. In the comments section, please elaborate on how much time, effort, and money the method that worked for you required, and how bad the aiptasia problem was before you achieved 'control'. The last three questions are general questions regarding your experience with aiptasia.
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