Well here is a reply from Shaw in terms of my tracert.
Thank you for contacting Shaw Internet technical support.
There's an anomalous spike at hop 1, but it seems a temporary thing since it only appears once in the three responses. Other than that, you can see that the ping time spikes at hop 7 inside the Level3.net network, and then times out completely. This being the case, the problem appears to be on the Level3.net network. We experienced the same problems trying to reach the site, and our trace timed out after hop 11 on the Level3.net network.
So it looks as though what's happening here is that our connection to reefcentral.com takes a certain route through the Internet. Because of our geographic location relative to reefcentral.com, our traffic passes through Level3.net's network. Since this is where the problem arises, users not taking that route to reefcentral.com would not experience this problem.
Unfortunately, as the problem is not with Shaw, we are unable to affect repairs. We can, however, probably reroute our traffic around Level3.net, so I have passed this issue on to our network engineers for investigation.
I hope that this helps.
So far no reply yet from ReefCentral.