I am moving and the new house is not going to fit this tank very sad to see it go but it has to in the next few weeks or so.
I don't really have the time to part it out but will if no one takes me up on this sweet offer.
Custom Tank - 105g 72x24x14
Custom Stand
Sump - 55g
2 - MP40wES
Skimmer - Bubble Magus BM180-CS
ATO - Tunze Osmolator
Light - ATI Powermodule 8X80
Controller - Neptune Systems Apex Lite with 2 Energy Bar 8
Other stuff - Vertex UF-15, Two Little Fishes 150, two heaters, 4 stage water filter, water testing kits, refractometer's, other odds and ends
About 150lbs live rock
Live Stock all very fat
-Niger trigger
-Mystery Wrasse
-Yellow Tang
-File fish
-2 blue green chromis
-Fiji blue spot puffer
-Leathers, mushrooms, zoas