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Old 06-25-2013, 03:13 PM
markjameslucas markjameslucas is offline
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Yeah, I plugged that little module in. It's a litte weird though. In dim light, I believe it's supposed to work in a less powerful state, but completely black, it runs at full blast. Shouldn't it work when there are no lights on, it's in night mode, or less powerful? I just got an email saying today they've changed the controller so W1 can run in 50% or 75%, so you wouldn't need a variable power module.

Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
Did you plug in the little thingy? if not then the night mode will not be active.

Also they say it is only to be with low output light. Now who's going to be able to use that??? since that include LED, MH and T5HO, the only light that can be used with this feature is probably power compact.

Pretty useless I think. On the other end, if you have a controller, you could use what ever force you want and what ever pattern you want with them. I dim them at night so I get like a reef crest mode but much lower in flow.
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