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Old 06-25-2013, 01:00 AM
nrosdal nrosdal is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: kelowna, bc
Posts: 525
nrosdal is on a distinguished road

Update time. Still a bit vague but they said in an email today that they will be shipped out this week(early or late i am not sure). So i would be confident saying that orders will ship out from here next week. Depending on how early this week they get them out will decide when they will be going out next week. But i will say for sure that the pumps will not sit here for more then 12-24 hours from when they arrive. I will also talk to harry and figure out when he is headed to the coast and set up the drop offs for those who are meeting him based on that(i will post after i speak to him to let those people know what day he is headed down).

Again thanks everyone for the patience in dealing with this. With it being my first dealing with Jebao directly it did not follow the exact timeline i had hoped/was stated at beginning by them. But it has not been that bad and if we do something like this again in the future i am sure it will be much easier to figure out logistics/time lines then.

