Originally Posted by Cliff
Thanks for the info
I will raise the skimmer so it will be sitting about 7 inches of water. I only started at the max as that seam to be the setting my Skimz SK181 worked best at. With the sicci pumps, I guess its a whole other ball game.
I'm a little disappointed to hear I just missed out on a newer model  Timing is everything I guess
may need to go a bit less, i have two one at the store on a 400-500g system and another on my personal 100g system home. the one at the store runs in 6" and the one at my house is also at 6" i had started both at 9" and found it works best in 6" of water and is very touchy about its depth.
awesome skimmers and have nothing but great things to say about them and how they perform , plus its a great price tag.
the 250 and 150 work better in higher water.
concept aquariums