Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 06-22-2013, 03:34 AM
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Thanks again Sheena, you're too kind

Raied, it's hard to not see I like building stuff

So, another little thingy for whoever is interested
Way back before I started this tank, I bought the NPX screens for my TLF 150s, just in case I'd ever find a need, or what have you

I started using Vertex Rox 0.8 last month and thought, wow, these pellets are tiny, so I experimented and it worked out well

I was concerned the pellets would get stuck in the foams worse than other carbon, but was surprised to find a benefit ...
The dispersion plates actually work even though they weren't designed for this use
My carbon is no longer stagnant, with little geysers, and the same goes for my GFO
I was also able to turn down the flow through the reactors, so no more 'grinding' the product

So, after more than a month of testing, I'll say this works fine for both Carbon and GFO

I installed the plates between the product and the foams. It makes rinsing out the foams easier than before
Of course I don't need a plate on top for any flow benefits, but it helps keep the foam from plugging if pellets want to go that way. I do find that on initial start-up I get pellets going crazy, so why not use 2 plates per reactor

Last edited by gregzz4; 06-22-2013 at 03:37 AM.
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