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Old 06-22-2013, 02:32 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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Hey Adam, if you're not already out buying one, you can make your own
I made mine for less than $100 and when the battery craps out, it's only about $60 for a replacement instead of a new Ecotech one for $190

If you can't find the factory Ecotech cables, all you need is a 1.3mm x 3.5mm male connector and 2A fuse per pump

I bought a 12v trickle/battery minder charger and a 12v battery with 18ah (amp hours)
I should get 36 hours run time on 2 MP10s

I posted a simple DIY here

If anyone does use a 12v battery in a pinch, make sure you use a fuse inline so you don't run the risk of cooking your controller
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