I'm sooo upset. I have put so much into this silly thing already, my son has been anxiously waiting his first fish and now after 2 months of excitedly waiting and watching, I'm going to have to rip it apart and start over... I'm SOOOO frustrated. if my poor ASD son didn't want it so bad there's NO way I would do it again. I can see why many drop out of this hobby
Anyway... Now that I've vented.... I discovered that I have Cirolanid Isopods

all the reading I've done I've basically found there's nothing that will get rid of them other than starving them out with a fishless tank at least 6 months and attempting to catch them... I think I can probably just start from scratch and be up and running fresh faster than that

I think the part that ****es me off the most is that I paid for these little suckers on some live rock :badword: ugh
Any tips on how to sterilize the tank, rock, etc??