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Old 06-19-2013, 12:19 PM
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your choice, go pay 3 times the price for something that's not even as good.

As for copy, you should stop bying kleenex, or always buy the kleenex brand because they all look pretty much the same to me, no matter the brand so some companies must have copied the original. Don't buy a refregirator either, or even a car. They all have 4 wheels, a body and en engine, so they were all copied on the first car ever made and invented.

The wp25 does look a bit like the Tunze but the ressemblance stop there...everything else is way better and have a much better design. I see it like this..if the Chineses can make such a good pump for so little, then why these companies did not make their pumps better then this?

Have you ever tried opening a tunze pump cover? Have you ever tried sliding the flow control gadget of the 6045 once it's been in the water for a few hours? VERY bad design! and why are they so weak that you must pay 200$ to have something strong enough for a 75 gallons? I think that many of these so called legit companies have been giving us too little for too much and if they did spent money on design, they could have produce a good design at least. I am talking about the tunze.

The wp25 is not an exact copy of the Tunze, it is way better. So suit yourself and buy the inferior product if you wish. I won't.

Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
Where Chinese firms have made real innovation of their own and the quality seems ok, I don't mind buying. When it's just a cheap rip-off of someone elses hard work, I'll take the original.

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