I have to throw my $0.02 into this.
I have the Evergrow D120 units, 3 them actually and I LOVE them my corals are happy and noticeable growth within only a few months of use. Yes they are made from China but you know what im happy with them. Not to mention all 3 units cost me less (Shipped to my door) then 1 radion unit...
I just purchased a WP40 from
www.reefsupplycanada.com from the group buy im sure its going to be exactly what I want. Every review I have ever seen on them gives them praise for being so well built.
My question is why do all the "Old Timers" need to make us newbie reef junkies feel like we need to go bankrupt to have a tank? Just because that was the norm 10 years ago? 20 years ago? Times have changed and the so have the cost to make products for keeping fish. I cant even count on my hands the amount of times I have seen posts or talked to people about which product would be better and someone with 10 years in the hobby has to chime and say "Only use this product because its what I use!" and the price is double or triple of other brands. It really hits a cord with me when people think price is the only thing that matters.
Im going to use the wp40 on my tank and plan to until it stops working if thats a year or two who knows but im still further ahead trying it rather than letting the rumor mill explode with false info.