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Old 06-18-2013, 09:01 PM
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Default FS complete 90 gallon setup $700 obo (chilliwack)

Im posting this for a friend:

He's selling a complete 90 gallon setup with everything BUT livestock. He does have a couple of corals though:

Included: 4 ft Coralife ceiling hanger light set up (2 x96 fluorescent's 2 x 150metal halide) and 4 night lights. 20 gallon sump tank and return pump, two heaters, a coarse bio filter+charcoal bag, test kits, black stand+tank top shroud, Protein skimmer, light timers, power bars, and all the gear for hanging the light. Includes about 75-100 pounds of live rock loaded with coraline, some corals (nepthea tree and a couple leathers)

More info to follow regarding brand and strength of lights, skimmer and return pump.

175 Gallon Tank, 33 Gallon Sump, 2 x AI COLOR SOL, Leather corals, colts corals, several brain corals, misc frogspawn, misc sps corals, purple tang, yellow tang, naso tang, hippo tang, 4 clown fish, 5 clams and many many inverts
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