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Old 06-16-2013, 04:35 PM
SanguinesDream SanguinesDream is offline
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Originally Posted by TimT View Post

If you know someone who can babysit your corals and the clam it might be best to move them to a stable tank.

Was it a fluorescent fixture? How long was it in the tank?

Yes, it was a compact fluorescent, 24 inches. It fell in at an angle.

I've been busily putting my $$$$ corals into my daughters pico nano while I test the parameters of my 14 gallon QT that is currently curing liverock. The rest are just going to have to try to hang on because I have no more room.

The snails and bristleworms are dying off and I've got my puny skimmer going full tilt. I am pulling all the deads out of the tank as soon as I see them.

Will it have killed the copepods and othe beneficials in the liverock? What about the sand?
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