Marine Aquarium Conference of North America. It's in Miami, Florida this year.
It's too bad that CITES is so specific. You can import wild hard corals from all over the world, but try to import cultured hard corals from the USA...good luck. You need re-export permits which require the original import permit from when the wild specimen was collected. It has to be traced back to the ocean with a "pedigree" of import permits. I wish there was a clause for cultured corals. Then we'd be laughing (and broke)!
Masterpiece Corals, I brought back some Blue Agave, WOW Palys, Peacock Paly, Nuclear Fallout, and Eruption Zoas. Also a neon pink with yellow skirt, black with blue mouth and green skirt, and a really pretty gold shimmer one I haven't been able to ID. I lost a few of these right away - next time I will remember heat packs!