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Old 06-15-2013, 11:43 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Saskatoon, SK.
Posts: 11,268
Myka will become famous soon enough

Well, the other half got cold feet - after mortgage pre-approval, after hunting MLS for months, and after two trips to Edmonton to look at houses. *sigh* So, we are no longer moving to Edmonton. Oh well...


I got some progress done today! *gasp*

It's been rainy all day so I dragged the tank and stand inside and I've been installing the HDPE board (Starboard), the acrylic on the back, and the eggcrate on the overflow. I also decided I'm going to add a ledge around the top of the stand because I didn't plan the HDPE bottom when I designed the stand and therefore the edge of the HDPE is in plain sight. It's an eyesore, so I think a ledge around the top will look nice anyway.

I haven't really decided which color to use for the ledge. I would prefer a stained wood, but I don't think the chocolate color of the stand and the wall behind the tank will go very well with a natural wood color. I don't think it wold look very good the same color as the stand. I'm leaning towards a white finish to match the trim in the house.

I still need to finish the doors for the stand too. At this point, I can't actually find the second door...

The tank and stand are just sitting at the edge of the kitchen for now while I finish it up. The new tank is going in the same place as the old tank, so it's going to be a pain in the butt to do the transfer.

~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 06-15-2013 at 11:57 PM.
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