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Old 06-15-2013, 01:48 AM
Rodney Rodney is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Airdrie Alberta
Posts: 22
Rodney is on a distinguished road

I had the exact same thing happen in my tank at roughly around the 7 month mark. It's not a quick fix but I changed my lighting schedule down from 10hrs daylight to 8 got a phosphate scrubber, dosed with ph4,no3 x. These steps pretty much stopped the growth and it started to die off, got myself a sea hare from the LFS and he's presently cleaning up the rest. But it is definitely a phosphate issue , I don't know where I got it and I sure as hell can't tell you where yours Is coming from I use tap water myself my guess is just a build up over time
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