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Old 06-15-2013, 01:28 AM
swill swill is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Cold Lake AB
Posts: 145
swill is on a distinguished road

7 all together

190 Gallon Reef
20 Gallon Fu Man Chu tank
40 Gallon Reef/damsel tank (in our son's room)
300 Gallon Fowlr (that just got new lights and a new Clown Trigger...yay)
15 Gallon Seahorse tank (just one lonely Reidi Seahorse in there)
3 Gallon Goldfish tank (my 2 year old just had to have one)
10 Gallon Quarantine tank

Every time I see it in writing I shake my head but I love that my house is one big tank!!

:bigg rin:: biggrin::biggr in::b iggrin::biggri n:
140 Gallon Seahorse Setup, 190 Gallon Reef and 300 gallon FOWLR
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