Originally Posted by wayner
As always Darryl - Fantastic! - Do you ever go away on an extended vacation? I know most tanks are automated now a days and all that really needs to be done is feed the fish, empty the skimmer cup, make sure the auto top off container doesn't run dry, and visually check that all pumps are operating., oh yeah, make sure the lights go on and off according to the timer - don't think we would want the halides staying on for 2 weeks straight
Do you have someone come in and check the tank that would be just as capable as yourself?, I certainly wouldn't leave a tank that beautiful with all those high end sps in the hands of kid next door  -
Or, do you just tell the wife that were not going on vacations anymore 
Good quesion Wayne. I would get rid of the tank if I couldnt leave for a at least a week, ha or the wife would get rid of me. I have come to the realization that crashes happen. Whether away or home (more likely when gone). So I have prepared mentally that one day something might go terribly wrong and I would get over it. THe trick is to minimize the risk by good planning and being pro active.
To answer the question though I go on at least one week long vacation away a year and usually set the tank up so that no one watches it. I get a little anxious near the end of the vacation but not bad and everything has worked out ok.