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Old 06-12-2013, 01:55 AM
TDP TDP is offline
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Default Downsizing Livestock Sale - Calgary

Hi. I'm cutting my stock in half. I have the following for sale:

Live Rock: approx. 100 lbs. No aptasia. Clove polyps & various mushrooms attached. 4 years in the tank. $4 per lb.

Clams: 4 blue/purple crocea. 4"-5" each. $60 each. Derasa 6" $50.

Corals: Large octobubble $35. 2 Green paly rocks with over 100 heads $30 each. Hammer coral with 15ish heads $30. Large 2-headed soft coral (in behind derasa photo) $30. Lots of red, green, purple mushroom rocks. A couple large 6" chalice, one green and one orange $40 each.

Fish: Tomato clown $20. Two yellow tail damsels $5 each. Midnight purple dwarf angel $20. 4" Lamarks angel (reef safe) $35. I need to sell some coral & rock first to get the fish.

I tried to attach some photos but not sure I did it right. I'm basically trying to price stuff at half of what I paid. Hardware to follow. I live in Tuscany. PM if interested. Thanks. Troy
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