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Old 06-11-2013, 01:41 AM
SanguinesDream SanguinesDream is offline
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Posts: 261
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Default LF high capacity/bioload skimmer

Ok, the dealy is that I have read and read and re-read info on purchasing a skimmer for my 150 gallon and I'm overwhelmed.

I plan on building a 55gallon sump/bench for the skimmer to sit in but in the meantime, I need something because my HOB prism isn't cutting it. I'm running carbon and doing 20% water changes weekly, but am still fighting an uphill algae battle. I am willing to go with a high capacity skimmer that sits outside until I can get the sump plumbed in.

So, pitch me what you got....please. I have no problems paying shipping if you are willing to ship.
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