Moving must shut down180 gal
180 gal tank rh corner overflow comes with top canopy bottom cabnet 90 gal sump all purchased at aquarium illusions in 2009 rs 180 skimmer aqua medic 18 watt uv sterilizer heaters pump (quiet one 6000 and a mag pump phosban reacter with quiet one 400 pail of salt all chemicals 2-250 watt metal hlides a 36 inch led tank dim are 6ft long 24 deep30 inch height 100 lbs of live rock some red blue and green mushrooms brown polps fish are fox face ,cleaner wrasse,3cromis 1 Hawaiian black trigger ,dog face puffer king angel big ,chorus wrasse , clown fish mated pair 200lbs of live sand and a pile of misc stuff eg fish trap,fittings ect. Aprox worth 12,000 will sell as a package for $3500.00 obo contact by email or phone 780-405 -6848 preview my stats to see pics can't get them to load