What should I do guys?
It happened 2 days ago, and so far I have lost 3 fish. (which I know is actually pretty lucky considering)
At first I had no idea what was up, but when I tried to find the cucumber, he was nowhere to be found. I turned off all the powerheads, and thats when i found him. Oddly, none of the invertabrates have been effected. My tank is 175 gallons. I've done a 50% water change and am skimming like crazy. Do you think the worse is over? No new casualties today, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has had experience with this, and what they did. If I had known about it right away, I would have used a QT, but know I'm wondering if its necessary. Ive got another 50 gallons of water mixing now, but I'm worried that I'm doing too much as far as water changes go......
This sucks! I even had all my powerheads protected, but somehow he made his way in through the screens. I've always had cucumbers (15 years) and this is my first bad experience. DAMMIT!!!!!!!
Anyone have any ideas on whether or not, the worse is over or yet to come.