Originally Posted by emeraldeyes_bc
I honestly have no idea  haha the only thing I know for sure right now is a clean up crew, and a couple clowns (my sons dead set on clowns) other than that I was just going to go slow, somewhat easy, and work my way up with corals  I wouldn't mind something the clowns might host, but I know my tank is way to young to think about nems, any ideas??
Welcome. This hobby is relaxing. Well, most of the time..
Important questions.
What is the size of your tank.
What are the ammonia/nitrite readings?
As you have read going slow is the way to go. Add the first fish one month after the tank has cycled and one fish each month thereafter.
Do not get 'a clean up crew'. Too often it contains predators like hermit crabs and too many snails which starve to death and pollute new tanks. Add a hermit crab or two as they are cute and your son will enjoy watching them
As this is your son's tank mostly avoid corals except soft corals with some movement like leather corals. Get him fish that are easy to keep and not a brightly coloured fish that he will soon find dried up on the floor because the fish is a jumper for example.
Live aquaria is a good site for a quick reference but it is a vendor site and is in the business of selling coral and fish and therefore understates the fishes needs. Go to
www.wetwebmedia.com which accurately sets them out.
Avoid the urge to go fast and most importantly avoid the impulse buy. Ask here before you buy.
Tonight, in a dark room quietly approach the tank with a small led flashlight. Your son and you will be amazed viewing the many critters in the tank.
Good luck