I've been surfing the net for 18 yrs now ever since windows 3.1 and the x86 days and and many things have changed especially in tech but one thing has remained constant throughout the years and that is the forums. I've owned forums, been moderator, been involved in controversy and shared in people's lives and their joy and pain.
One of the largest forums I have ever been on has been WoW(world of warcraft) and you wanna see drama, name calling, downright A$$holes, know it alls, people with superiority complex, whiners and anything else under the sun you will find it there. If you post you will be guaranteed to get every response under the sun there.
This actually holds true for every serious forum out there and one thing I have learned throughout the yrs is that many people lurk rather than post for many of the same reasons already posted on this thread. I have developed a thick skin throughout the yrs of people criticizing my posts and thread starters.
I encourage people to always post don't take negativity to heart some people will always have the superiority complex, will be a$$es and in general be idiots. Lurking is fine but you also have to be aware that if you post be prepared for any type of reply don't take it to heart otherwise you will feel like your being persecuted and that only makes you feel worse for posting please don't take it to heart I can't stress that enough.
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....