Originally Posted by daplatapus
Not to make this any more controversial, but I refuse to believe or live my life by the creed of "The world is what it is and we have to lower our standards and join it. There's nothing we can do about it."
We all have choices in what we say and how we say it. Some people are truly double faced. One persona in person, but because they hide behind some alias on a forum, a totally different person on line because they feel they can get away with it. The more that spirit is adopted as the norm and is ok, the lower these forums will sink into tirades, name calling and un-fettered venting of emotions.
Keep in mind this a hobby. My view of a forum like this is to share our experience, meet with like minded people who share a common interest (because my wife sure doesn't share it, lol), give help and get it when needed. But there's huge differences in experience, temperaments, and code of conduct between all our members. And that's Ok. But I think we still have to have standards and hold to account those who don't respect that.
And guess what, if someone has a differing opinion than I, no amount of disrespect and name calling is going to change my mind. A well written post, with the intent of HELPING me might.
It all comes down to choices. We're either part of the problem or part of the solution. We can all choose to be tactful, helpful and kind and enjoy ourselves here, or do the reverse and feel uncomfortable posting our mistakes or experiences because we know we're going to get lambasted.
I totally agree with this sentiment.
I am far more diplomatic online, especially on Canreef & BCA, than I sometimes an in person because I know what I write and post leaves a record of who I am and what I stand for. I do not try to hide behind the "anonymity" of the internet maybe because I know or have met most of the local reefers and aquarists (or at least it seems that way). I think it is not that hard for each of us to re-read and think about what we have typed before hitting the "Submit Reply" button. In person, we might react out of shock, but online, we can pause and think "do I really want others to read this post?"
At the same time, I understand that there are some individuals who drive each of us a little crazy and what they write, will be taken negatively and likely to elicit a negative response. Some of the negative posts may be due to immaturity or someone having a bad day, as others have mentioned. Unfortunately, we cannot edit our own posts after 15 minutes or so, and whatever was posted while we were in a bad mood becomes permanently posted for everyone to see (unless the staff deletes it).
Just my $.02.