well . time for another update i suppose .
Things of been going along really well . I have been doing weekly 10-15g water changes . I test all my parameters once a week.Things have been stable .
I did decide to run Biopellets .So I picked up a Vertex RX-U reactor and a compact 3000. I slowly over a few weeks added in the pellets . Not sure if they work lol But my nitrates are still below 1 on the elos test kit .
A few weeks later i picked up the new Omega 150 skimmer . So far i really like this unit . Seems to pull in the gunk very consistently. This has been my first vertex product to work perfect out of the box
I got a new fish from Dan before he left town .. It is doing great

The rock is slowly becoming covered in coraline . I have not had any sort of an algae outbreak. not sure if it is due to the microbacter 7 i have been using or if I got lucky with my MARCO rock.
The coral is really starting to take off now . Most are encrusted right to the rock
I had a blast at the Victoria frag swap. Got to meet alot of local reefers . I bought a few coral and was given tons! Much appreciated everyone . thanks
So as of last night I have discovered that I have an outbreak of ZOA eating nudibranch. Most of my zoos have grown onto my main rock work so removing to dip is not an option.
So I am manually removing the nudi's with the turkey baster . since last night i have removed 21 little buggers . And today i have added a Yellow Corriss wrasse. So i am hoping that will help combat them .
Im sure i can get a handle on them . I am not to worried about it . I dont want to rip the tank apart or anything.
I also added a tunze 6095 to the tank . Linked it to the APEX and got a simple little wave going in the tank. I like it . In a cube tank that is only 36" long it tuff to do anything with the flow . No matter what i do it pushes the sand around and creates bare spots on the tank bottom . i have learned to live with my Half bare bottom , half sand bottom tank lol .
The stepper doser has been working as it should . Currently dossing under 50mls of each alk,mg,ca. I had to increase it a little after the frag swap , but not much.
will add more soon .