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Old 06-09-2013, 04:34 AM
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mike31154 mike31154 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Vernon
Posts: 2,073
mike31154 will become famous soon enough

Heh, we's all human & mess up from time to time. I've put up some silly posts too, ones that I read later & wonder what the H I was thinking. I tend to not sugar coat things & sometimes that comes across the wrong way. Try to provide info from personal experience with the tank, including failures, so there's no point in beating around the bush with certain matters.

I look at it this way. One of the things I'm really into is skiing. I've taken both instructors courses & a race coach course. As an instructor you're working with a client to provide a positive learning experience, so you tend to be nice & attentive to their needs in addition to improving their skill at a fun sport. You may want them to return for another lesson to keep the $$$s rolling into the snowsport school, so tact is key. As a coach all you're looking for is results, go faster. There's no being nice, if the athlete doesn't get it, you tell them straight up where & how they're screwing up & what they need to do to fix it. They either make the grade or move on to another sport. I failed the skiing part or the coaches course since I had never raced. I wasn't going to learn the technique in 3 days, but it was still money well spent. I learned a lot about technique that was not included in the ski instructors courses I'd had.

As far as sales & pricing on a forum go, there have been many posts I've looked at & been tempted to reply that the price might be a bit optimistic, but so far I've been able to resist! Some folks want money for a ball of Chaeto, others give it away free. The seller is not always aware of the current 'market' price for stuff, so I simply let it be. No sense cluttering up the persons for sale post with my 2 cents, they'll figure it out eventually if the item doesn't sell. I've put a couple of items up recently that I consider rock bottom pricing, but no sale. On the other hand, the price police provides a free bump for the sellers thread....
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