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Old 06-08-2013, 07:39 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,591
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Hasan-man, it is seasonal. If I was a better coder I'd be able to root thought the archives to show the "temperature" of the forum with time. It does seem things tend to boil over certain times of the year. Maybe the changing weather has people's panties in a bunch?

I think this is also an Internet effect. It's much easier to be a total dink from behind the anonymity of a keyboard. Had a ****ty day? Really easy to vent online at someone, give it a try! Seriously, it's a lot easier to talk **** at someone when you're not looking them in the eyes, you don't have that same mental filter that says "Hey, maybe I shouldn't say this" or "Hmmm, this might sound harsh". Unfortunately this is pretty common on the Internet, and our beloved forum is no different.

Debate is fine, and even encouraged - that's how we can root out some interesting discussions that can further the hobby. Unfortunately there are a few that drag it down to petty name calling because they think their thoughts are the only way, or they are misinformed and battle to the end over information they didn't stop to question, or have some weird need to always be right... The list goes on. The fact that people send out threatening PMs (and I've got them before too) is pretty sad.

We're lucky that we don't have a totalitarian forum like some other Reef Centered sites out there but there are certainly a few members around here that make that system a valid argument.
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