Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 06-08-2013, 03:29 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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I won't bore you all with the rest of the build pics for the surround
The basic idea was to have it semi-match the stand, but be a bit sleeker to satisfy the wife
The door widths match the stand when closed, but open fully without a center brace
I used a primer/sealer and then 3 coats of zero VOC gloss white on the inside, and 2 coats of satin black on the outside
If I ever make another one, I'll use a satin black Minwax stain on the outside

I have the light 'just' resting on it on foam to block light bleed, while still having some tension on the support cables
The whole thing comes off in less than a minute if I wanna get crazy 'arms deep'

Here it is all done

I had to add a bunch of black weather-stripping to the insides of the doors to block light bleed

I had to add a support front to back as the thin horizontal face wants to warp inwards

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