All good points for sure. What I like about selling/buying stuff here is getting to meet other locals that are actually active on the forum and maybe I'm naïve for thinking, but I trust people here a lot more than random people on kijijji. Its also a what goes around comes around thing, I'd like to think anyway.
I've only had one bad experience selling something. For the most part, buying and selling is worth the price simply because of this community. I just get annoyed because I'm one of those that went out when I first started and bought live rock at Pisces at $10/lb, then see it super cheap or free here...not that I need live rock now, but .....
I was not complaining about pricing or anything as I've certainly taken advantage of the great sales here, I'm not bitching about how things are traded or negotiated. But ya, its like buying a new car, as soon as you drive off the lot, its value drops like 35%. Guess its the same here too...

and this thread was not started as a result of my experience, just a thought I had when I saw the free thread as I know there's at least 1 other thread trying to sell LR....