I Tried a bottle trap it didn't work first time around, so i poked holes through it so the water flows very slowly through it. 2 hours later, after freeing a hermit and my tailspot 3 times, the dotty back ventured in and i quickly snatched it out. Right now he's in a netted compartment in my sump on time out, i may just return him to j&l if possible, if not i'll set him up a nano until i rehome him.
also good news, i don't know how he did it, the wrasse found his way to my sump. I have 1 full siphon, and 2 open channels all with strainers. The open channel strainers stop around 1/4" from the mesh tank cover, and they sit above the water line a good 1/2", so it would be quite a jump, plus lucking out not landing in the dry open channel.
so tank stock is now:
6-line wrasse (very docile)
tailspot blenny
within minutes of the dottyback being put in the sump, the rest of the fish seemed calmer and in the open. So now i need to think of some tank mates again.... Funny thing though, hearing your story, the same guy at j&l tried selling me a strawberry pseudochromis as well telling me they get along with tank mates (like the diedem).
So i think i'll be looking to get a blackcap basslet, if none in stock, a royal gramma. Also thinking on a fairy wrasse to see how the six line reacts, if they dont mesh, then i will let the wife choose which she'd rather have and sump the other.
down the road i may just settle for a clown, if the parameters are staying in check and no fish has claimed the massive frogspawn thats yellin for a host.