Well, sometimes old houses have some issues

Worked through supper to get my stand done for the 210... WOOHOOO!! Progress!
Built the bottom frame and set it on the floor. Had to shim the front left corner almost 1/2" to get it level. So I scribed the whole frame and planed 'er down:
An hour later and a half a garbage bag of shavings and sawdust later this is 100% contact on the floor and a 6' level
Then goes the legs and top deck and Houston, we have touch down!
The plan is to do a single sheet of plywood on the front from the left wall to the corner of the stand with 3 squares cut out of it. 2 will match the holes in the stand the 3rd will make another cabinet door between the stand and the wall. This left side of the cabinet will go 18" higher than the tank. Then make 2 cabinet cubes that will slide into the holes in the frame. Skin the side with another sheet and trim out the one corner and have the matching base board wrap around the bottom to make it look totally built in. I'll also carry matching crown mould across the top and matching window sill around the bottom of the tank.
That is, if everything goes according to plan....
Stay tuned...