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Old 06-04-2013, 01:00 AM
Bayside Corals Bayside Corals is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Saskatoon
Posts: 273
Bayside Corals is on a distinguished road

I have ordered seeds from pepper joe and a couple other places for the last 3 years.
I have to say your plants are looking great so I dont think you need any pointers. I have personally eaten scotch bonets, taz habenaro, ghost pepper, fatali pepper, and brain strain pepper. I grew the butch t last year but my plant never produced any peppers.

This year I planted many super hots including the caronlina reaper and the morgua. But life has been really busy for me lately so my plants were neglected and most of them died. The only survivors were the fatali pepers.

For heat and flavour wise here is my experience. Taz hab and scotch bonnet are similar in heat. Very hot but standable with no milk needed. Burn lasts about 15 to 20mins. Flavour is ok on both but not great. The fatali pepper is similar in heat maybe slightly less but it has great flavour, almost tastes lemony. The ghost pepper is hotter than the previous 3 but not alot hotter. The burn lasts about 25 mins and you will need a bit of milk. I used these in salsa with the scotch bonnets and fatali peppers and it was just right. The salsa was hot but still edible lol.

Now the hottest pepper I ever ate was the brain strain pepper. All I can say is holy sh@t. If you think a ghost pepper is hot then this thing will kill you! Ghost peppers are hot to me but I like them and eat them regularly. The brain strain pepper I tried it once and probably never will again. It was that hot! I really wanted to try the butch t but like I said my plant never produced.

When I tried the peppers for the first time I ate them raw and whole. Not just a little sliver. I wanted to get a true sense of what each pepper was about.

Good luck with your pepper growing!

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