fs zoas
got some zoas andothers im guna clear our my frag tank a bit
2 dev arour frags 4 polops 30 each
1 yelow monti 2''by1'' 5 bucks
1 plug filed with baby kenya trees 10$must be atleast 8 of em on there
1 2''bb2'' green star polop 10 bucks notopen atm
3 frags of 5-10 emrled zoas 5 each
1 frag of 30 chumba woombas 30
1 frag of 5 hw sherbert 20
1 frag of 5 kamicausi zoas 10$
1 frag of 15 x men palys 3 purple haze and 1 red people eater 80 $ used to sel x mens 5 pp
5-10 blue zoas 10$
1 dev armour 10$