Originally Posted by michika
Anyone grow peppers indoors throughout the winter months for an onhand fresh supply?
Is everyone starting their own plants? I've found Calgary doesn't have a lot of pepper variety this season, first time in awhile.
I got my seeds online from pepperjoes and started them in mid march. Shipping was fast and easy. Mind you its just seeds. If you ever take a trip up near edmonton there is a green house just south of beaumont called BMR greenhouses and water gardens that stocks 85 varieties of hot peppers.
Originally Posted by sirruckus
I'm a hot sauce person myself, but that little grow op of yours will sure be a hot commodity 
Haha yes that what I'm hoping. I'm hoping to try to wimter a few but I'm assuming they be crosses in the spring since they are all growing inches apart. We'll see. May just plant again