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Old 05-31-2013, 06:00 AM
canadianbudz604 canadianbudz604 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 457
canadianbudz604 is on a distinguished road
Default API

I know or have spoken with people that swear by the API filter and even testing the water today it's 0ppm. U know thinking back a few weeks ago the sewers were being fixed around my place, almost wondering if it completely screwed up that batch of water I made around then. I don't actually test the water everytime I make it so this could be a factor. Also I found one of the nassarius snails but not the other so Maybe it died and kicked off some mini cycle or something because I also see a tiny bit of red slime forming. Defiantly true that when something goes Wrong in a nano everything turns to **** in a hurry. Funny though how the softies have never looked better same with the hammer coral and the japonica cyphestra. This wouldn't make me so mad but my 40+ head colony of red magicians and 25+ heads of nuclear greens are my favourite and I'm gonna be ****ed if they disappear over this
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