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Old 05-31-2013, 05:50 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 1,591
ScubaSteve is on a distinguished road

Jasper, dude! Great to have you here kiddo!

We're thrilled to have you join one of our greatest pleasures. I hope it will be one of yours as well!

If you see anything that you're interested in, keep us posted and I'm sure we can help you out. And, since you're about to get a crash course in saltwater tanks, if you ever have questions about the tank or need help, we're all here to help each other and you.

By the way... I'm jealous you got to go hang gliding. That's pretty cool. Not as cool as a battle-badger though...
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