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Old 05-31-2013, 02:06 AM
Solo7319 Solo7319 is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Powell River
Posts: 5
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Default Message from Jasper

Hello, I’m Jasper, the teen who this aquarium project is for.

I’m blown away that you guys would spend so much time and money helping someone who you’ve never met. It’s really amazing to see such generosity.

‘Seahorse_fanatic’ asked me to compile a list of some of our favorite fish so me and my parents had a fun time talking about it. My mom’s all-time-favorite-fish is the Mandarin Goby. She used to work at the Vancouver Aquarium and got attached to the goby there. All three of us agree it’s a beautiful fish, but we read they can be hard to keep in captivity. My dad is a clownfish fan; if he got one he would name it “Omen” (Nemo backwards). We saw both the Royal Gramma and the Yellow-tailed Damselfish mentioned on one of the threads as possibilities. They both looked really nice. Plus, I love the idea of having little hermit crabs in there as well.

Again, I can’t believe the amazing support from this community.

Thanks guys,


P.S. If you would like updates on my journey through life you can follow me on twitter @solo7319 or on my blog;
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