Originally Posted by Reef Pilot
I have a Kole Tang, and his first food (besides constantly picking algae from the rocks and glass) was freeze dried mysis in the QT tank, and it is still his favorite food. Then he started eating a few pellets after that. Never could get him to eat nori (weird for a tang), and still won't. And yes, I have a foxface too, and he is a real pig for that nori. I also have the Kole eating veggie flakes. But he still fills his day bouncing around the tank, pecking for algae.
He was getting quite active (apart from being shy whenever I am standing close to the tank) but he became very slow today and only roams around in one side of the tank. I am not totally sure but I have read that koles hardly (if any at all) touch nori. I am seriously getting worried.