Originally Posted by naesco
But the threat of no you can't do it forces a dialogue and reasonable negations and a solution
So the role 'what some may call the extreme' plays forces governments and industry to rethink when they see reasonable people also questioning
"No you can't do it" has to follow scientific backings instead of "personal grudges". For example, nuclear power is clearly one of the source which can easily provide world's energy demand without emission. The cost? Its the risk associated with possible explosion. Environmentalists started going against nuclear power without thinking that it has a much lower risk factor that coal mining. Instead, if they grabbed scientific researches and tried to convince the world to increment the security measures, further lower risk factors, limit the enrichment to fission grade instead of weapon grade and find cures for radiation, nuclear might not have been a "threat" and could easily replace coal plants which are, infact, more devastating. People are getting more and more aware and instead of "we have to", they are now asking "why we have to and the alternatives". Interdisciplinary researches are playing a big role now a days in green movement and not relying on personal weapons.
Lets take Wintner's case. If he promoted "captive fishes and corals" instead of trying to shut down the whole industry, it can be beneficial in every ways. And why did he attack instead of defending the scene? Because he lacks the basis on which he can strongly stand other than personal opinions. On the other hand, a marine biologist, who is also a concerned environmentalist, would be able to tackle this situation in a much sound way with "alternatives".
Originally Posted by Ian
I am always amazed by so many of the "environmentalists" that get a tonne of publicity even though they are blatantly promoting some self serving agenda and using flawed science at best to further said cause.
Honestly any environmentalist that wants to really make a difference should be talking about population control. Any and all issues that this planet have are made worse by our massive population explosion. Its simple folks too many humans on the planet for the planet to manage. Either we change how we all live or we reduce our population dramatically or the planet will do it for us!
Haha; don't start about population :P Population will reach 10 billion one way or the other till it stabilizes :P