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Old 05-29-2013, 05:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Ian View Post
I am always amazed by so many of the "environmentalists" that get a tonne of publicity even though they are blatantly promoting some self serving agenda and using flawed science at best to further said cause.

Honestly any environmentalist that wants to really make a difference should be talking about population control. Any and all issues that this planet have are made worse by our massive population explosion. Its simple folks too many humans on the planet for the planet to manage. Either we change how we all live or we reduce our population dramatically or the planet will do it for us!
Overpopulation is an issue but I can't help with that problem.

But I can promote the self serving agenda of ensuring a sustainable flow of healthy fish coral and inverts for you me and future reefers.

That is why I am posting my comments in this thread. Don't bite the hand that feeds ya!
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