Well despite working with energy system policies and grid greening, I hate environmentalist! Here's one of the reasons why:
These people don't have anything better to do other than creating their own views, spreading propaganda and love eating fish instead of keeping them. He keeps on saying that aquarium trade is not a part of "fishery" because (possibly) he loves eating salmon! That's not immoral but keeping fishes in aquarium is - according to Sea Shepherd Vice-President Robert Wintner. While the author tried to disproof Wintner's initial claim of "Hawaii reef is dying" with scientific data which even disproves Wintner's claim of "they can go anywhere", he concludes that he thinks its "immoral" and should stop. Well just because he thinks its immoral (which is a relative term!) doesn't mean he is write and even data that are available is wrong!
And one of the strongest point of the author was "If this campaign was really about defending reefs against the most significant impacts, wouldn’t we see pictures of terrestrial runoff, coastal development, carbon producing machines, and, yes, even mask and snorkel-wielding tourists trampling Hawaii’s reefs? Instead we only see images related to aquarium fishing. Isn’t it clear what’s going on here?"
M conclusion: this guy never succeeded in keeping reef tank and hence the grudge