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Old 05-29-2013, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by smokinreefer View Post
i'm fairly new to the LED game...

chris, would you recommend these for a 120? what advantage do the 80 lens give? and does it have a hanging kit of some sort?

thanks, i'm intersted in using these for my 180>120 downgrade.
I think some of the answer depend on the following:
1)Your actual length of the tank 4'? 3'? 5'?
2)Your application of your tank, SPS dominant? Zoa garden? Mix reef?
3)If you have a Euro braces or Center Braces. If you have Euro braces is it clear? As that can limited the height you can hang the AI Sol.

As for the PROS and CONS of the 80 degree optic.
The optic can give you a better coverage/spread without moving the light too high, but with the sacrifice of intensity.
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